The Victorian Era was a time of excitement. New inventions were coming out at a pace never seen before in human history. At the same time, living without money was a challenging time.
Children labored in mines to help put food on their family’s table. The wealthy’s lives couldn’t have been more different. Heating and electricity made their homes places of comfort. Let’s take a look inside some 1800s Victorian homes.
This photo by Marcel Vanderkindere captures a Belgian lounge sometime in 1895. Notice how tall that door is and how inviting that rocking chair looks. They really don’t make things like they used to.You might recognize this as a famous photo by Horst P. Horst of Jacques Vanderbilt. Though the photographer likely staged it, notice how ornate this room is.This is an amazing photo of a woman in her Victorian bedroom. Take a look at how intricate the bed frame is.This is a beautiful 1880s Victorian-era parlor. It is strange that they don’t hang their paintings and portraits on nails. They’re hung from wires on the ceiling.Here is an even bigger parlor from close to the turn of the century. It is fully carpeted and stocked with chairs and a piano to host some company.One thing we noticed is that Victorian homes seem to be very cluttered. If you look closely, you’ll notice that most clutter is chairs. Even then, people always loved to host friends and family!Did you know living rooms used to be called death rooms? They played a role in 19th-century funeral rituals. People would pay their respects to the deceased in these rooms before they were buried.Another bedroom. They really don’t make bed frames like they used to. Also, check out how cluttered these walls are!Take a look at this 1890s Victorian dining room. The built-in cabinets and the chandelier are gorgeous.The people that lived here weren’t as rich as in some of these earlier photos. Notice the loom and the simple furniture in this house. Hunters lived here and may have had to hunt for their food.Doesn’t this Victorian home look cozy? That fireplace is very inviting. It’d be nice to kick your feet up and read one of your many books.This parlor doubles as a workspace. I think the cluttered walls make it seem a little spooky.This lavish parlor is part of the Eldon House. That palm looks like it could use some love, though.This 1800s Victorian home belonged to a middle-class family. Not as extravagant, but it looks very nice.I love photos that peak into people’s daily lives. Lady Frances Jocelyn took this 1865 photo, called “Interieur”.This photo shows a man hard at work at his dining room table across from a photo of himself.As seen by the fantastic parlors, 1800s homes could throw some serious parties. Here’s a small gathering of people playing some music.A couple enjoys a photo while sitting at home. The wallpaper here is on point. Also, I love that hairstyle.A photo of a wealthy family’s home in Cortland, New York. It would take a lot for that intricate fireplace to keep a room with high ceilings like that warm in the winter.
Aren’t these photos absolutely amazing? It’s amazing how much 1800s Victorian homes in America and Europe have changed.