Mae West: Gorgeous photos of the original Hollywood sex symbol

Last updated on May 17th, 2024 at 12:28 am

Mary Jane “Mae” West was a multi-talented American artist whose career covered over seventy years as an actress, singer, comedian, screenwriter, and playwright.

West was particularly known for her sexual independence and witty sexual innuendos. She had a deep, resonant, contralto voice that added to her charm. Initially, she found success in vaudeville and New York City’s theater scene. However, later, she made a transition to the film industry in Los Angeles.

West became one of the era’s most provocative film stars, frequently clashing with censorship authorities. Famously, she joked, “I believe in censorship. I made a fortune out of it.”

She challenged the traditional Hollywood system by infusing her comedies with subversive twists on societal norms, earning the admiration of audiences struggling through the Great Depression.

After her film career dwindled, she didn’t slow down; instead, she authored books and plays, performed in venues from Las Vegas to London, and even embraced radio, television, and rock and roll music.

In 1999, the American Film Institute honored her legacy by naming her the 15th-greatest female screen legend in classic American cinema.

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