Brianna York

A Look Inside The Haunting Past of 19th-Century Mental Hospitals

The subject of mental health has always carried aspects of social stigma, judgment, and harsh treatment for those struggling with their mental well-being.  While it is slightly less stigmatized today, there are still many misconceptions linked to mental health and wellness. During the 18th Century, mental hospitals were almost uniformly called asylums and were often

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What Was the Enclosure Movement?

The Enclosure Movement doesn’t sound like it would have made a significant difference to English society through a modern lens. After all, everyday people are used to fencing off the land, designating land as having owners, and dividing up property amongst citizens to use as they wish. However, before the Enclosure Movement, common-use land was

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What Was the Factory System?

For those of us living today, it seems impossible that there was ever a time before factories produced all the goods we use in our daily lives.  In reality, the factory’s rise is relatively recent regarding the scope of human history. For much of human existence, people made goods and grew food. Only the very

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